Jolly Side Arts Are Available Even on Gloomy Side During Training Mode

"I'll make you regret you're live!"
— Gloomy Tira

Tira (ティラ, Tira) is a fictional graphic symbol in the Soul series of fighting games and a loyal retainer of the evil sword, Soul Edge. She is referred to as the The Misguided Affections of Decease during her debut appearance in the official E3 teaser trailer for Soulcalibur Three. She has thus far appeared in all the following games: Soulcalibur 4, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny and Soulcalibur V.

Tira fights with a unique type of weapon reminiscent of a bladed hula hoop, appropriately chosen a Band Blade. She can effortlessly and swiftly swing her weapon using her wrists, anxiety, and body, like to that of dancing. Her boxing style relies on acrobatics, speed, and flexibility.

What lies in her soul is Torment.

In promotional material for Soulcalibur V, she is referred to as Dark Wings That Plot in Secret .


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early life
    • one.2 Soulcalibur Three
    • one.three Soulcalibur IV
    • one.4 Soulcalibur V
  • ii Physical Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • four Costumes
  • 5 Endings
    • five.1 Soulcalibur III
    • 5.2 Soulcalibur IV
  • 6 Tower of Lost Souls Details & Skills
  • seven Fighting Manner
  • eight Disquisitional Cease
  • 9 Disquisitional Edge
    • nine.i Discord Parade
    • 10.ane Soulcalibur III
    • x.2 Soulcalibur IV
      • Jolly Side
      • 10.2.two Gloomy Side
    • 10.3 Soulcalibur V
      • 10.3.1 Jolly Side
      • 10.3.two Gloomy Side
  • 11 Relationships
  • 12 References


Early life

Although it is unknown where she was really born, Tira'due south origins begin with a European organization subconscious in the shadows called the Bird of Passage. She was raised exclusively equally an assassin, for the Bird of Passage specialized in forming contracts with powerful people of prestige and dispatching assassins to eliminate important targets, and began killing at a very young age. Within this system, Tira was known only by her codename: 'Eiserne Drossel' (Iron Thrush). Due to her upbringing, Tira became utterly inured to the sight of decease, eventually becoming so engrossed in her ability to kill without experiencing any remorse or conflicting emotion that she started to become dependent on killing for the stimulation information technology provided. Past the time she was nine years former, she had already killed enough to be considered a "Bird of Death".

Tira was taught how to fight by a woman in the organization. She raised Tira and was known equally her Female parent Bird. When Tira had grown older, she was forced to kill her and to perform a subsequent 'Sky Burial', every bit a rite of passage. The trauma of killing her mother-effigy caused her to develop 2 different personalities.

She was after placed under the command of a man named Solnhofen, whose group dealt with missions involving VIP assassinations, "extermination and clean-up of the escort". Her resulting mental bug fabricated her an unpredictable force and she usually caused 'accidents' on the field. This caused her to be looked upon and treated scornfully by the other members as a 'plague'. Her skills, nonetheless, proved far besides valuable to practice abroad with.

During an assignment, the Evil Seed pervaded through the sky, burning the leader'south mind and dissolving the concatenation of command. Inadvertently, Tira was freed, and inexplicably drifted into the custody of an adoptive family. It was this family unit that gave her the name 'Tira'. Although she struggled to adapt to the "average life", Tira ruminated on the new freedoms that were provided, and decided that this new life could possibly exist acceptable. However, Tira's peaceful, new found existence did non final for long. After she was scolded for releasing the youngest daughter's pet bird, she murdered her entire foster family in a bullheaded rage. Finding that she could not live without the central excitement of inflicting death on others, Tira began a wandering lifestyle, and heartlessly killed any who crossed her path. To show that she was no longer a tool to the organization, she chose to keep the name her adoptive family had given her, giving her quondam codename to her weapon instead.

Soulcalibur III

Among her travels, Tira learned of the Azure Knight's massacres, and started to harbor a twisted fondness for the terrifying figure. During this leaderless period, her emotions had spiraled out of command, rapidly swinging between extremities with the slightest provocation. Considering Tira had grown up without the freedom to make her ain decisions, she ultimately resolved to track down the Azure Knight and go his retainer, believing him to exist a kindred spirit due to his ability to spread hurting and suffering. Soon arriving to Ostrheinsburg, Tira encountered a man with a Decease Scythe, Zasalamel. This homo explained to Tira that Nightmare was nothing more than than a puppet being controlled past the cursed sword, Soul Edge. Though she was disappointed by this information, Tira later jumped at the opportunity when she learned of the Azure Knight's resurfacing. Subsequently following a trail of slaughter, she finally constitute Nightmare and fulfilled her wish in becoming a loyal, erratic servant for he and Soul Edge. After this acceptance, she was given two tasks: To destroy the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, thus liberating Soul Border from its prison house, and locate a new, permanent host for the demonic blade. In order to fulfill these objectives, Tira was granted the protection of Nightmare's raven sentries, the Watchers.

Again under the command of a ascendant, evil being such as Nightmare, Tira contentedly gear up out on her quest. Those she considered worthy of the cursed sword would surely have their souls devoured by the flame of Soul Border. And those she did not, would about definitely exist killed by the hand of Tira — in order to bring more joy to the life of her own. With this behest, Tira victimized numerous souls, claiming the lives of any who stood in her fashion. She was even responsible for murdering a few members of the Manjitou, Yoshimitsu'due south clan.

Amongst the many warriors she encountered was a strong-willed mother, Sophitia Alexandra. Tira knew of her children's existence and menacingly taunted Sophitia, threatening to apply her children equally hosts for Soul Edge, telling the resistant mother that when the time was right, she would indeed come up for them. The mischievous girl held upward to her promise and eventually kidnapped Sophitia's daughter, Pyrrha.

Soulcalibur IV

Tira awaited outside the gates of the Lost Cathedral, languishing the outcome of the battle between Siegfried, who wielded Soul Calibur, and Nightmare, who wielded Soul Border. When the swords clashed, Tira's mind was depleted, shattered into countless pieces past the destruction unleashed by the meeting of the swords. Only somehow, she establish an inner will, and clawed herself back to consciousness. And in the finish, Tira had become ii separate people. Her mind had reformed itself into the two entities that represented Tira'south original, unstable personality.

Upon her return to Ostrheinsburg, Tira began processing the information that her watchers carried to her, and began manipulating numerous ways to give Soul Edge, her king and master, advantages in battle. She would use the inhabitants of the cursed city to wear down the power of the spirit sword. And at terminal when they fought, the cursed sword would turn Ostrheinsburg into a giant vessel and every soul inside the place would be caught in its maw, including the spirit sword. She knew that and so, her male monarch would win.

Having kidnapped Pyrrha, Tira knew that her female parent would seek to save her child and eventually met with Sophitia to reveal a shocking truth. Tira informed that her honey daughter could not live without the evil influence of Soul Edge, and thus used her love for Pyrrha to pit Sophitia confronting any warrior who dared to confront the evil sword. Tira also manipulated Astaroth and Maxi, convincing the latter to pursue the cursed blade in order to avenge his slain comrades, and the other to serve Nightmare. Along with these tricked souls, Tira additionally used Voldo's devotion for his master and had earlier convinced Cervantes to pursue Soul Edge as well.

Her program was coming together. Tira had no doubt that Soul Edge would easily overcome the justice that was Soul Calibur with such rich souls at its hilt. Her male monarch would consume everything! And at that moment, Tira too would get function of Soul Edge. A feeling she had never felt earlier swelled in her. But she, both of her, did not quite sympathise information technology. A tiny glimmer of fear sparked in the chink between her two personalities, but it was forced downwards beneath the surface of her consciousness. Information technology would not emerge again.

Soulcalibur V

Tira was devastated when the Evil Sword was defeated 17 years earlier.

The two personalities within her lamented as one, and howled together in a chorus of rage. But Tira found some solace in her plans for a certain young girl, and in the ever-growing strength of the shattered sword's fragments. Revitalized by her hopes to revive Soul Edge, Tira defended herself to a hunt for the sword's scattered pieces.

But afterwards waiting so many years, the reborn Azure Knight was not at all what Tira had hoped for. He curried favor with human nations, scheming in underground and gathering souls from the shadows. Tira could barely stand up to look upon this cowardly Nightmare.

"He'south an imposter! I will never accept him!"

"In that case..." began the nighttime half of her personality, "...I shall prepare an advisable vessel for Soul Border myself!" finished her brighter half. Tira certainly had all the ingredients; she'd been carefully preparing them for 17 years. It was the perfect program.

And then Tira disappeared into the night once more than, on her way to visit that "sure immature girl", Pyrrha...

Tira institute Pyrrha, who had just been engaged to a homo named Jurgis. That nighttime, Tira murdered Jurgis, using her former taught 'Heaven Burial' bump-off methods. Pyrrha was arrested for the crime and placed in a cell. Tira appeared before the distraught girl, and managed to seduce her way into her fragile eye and gain her trust.

She gave Pyrrha the sword and shield which had once belonged to Pyrrha'southward female parent, Sophitia. She also produced a shard of Soul Edge which resonated with the shard that rested within Pyrrha's body, setting the stage for the next footstep of her plan.

As Tira and Pyrrha travelled, Pyrrha was often attacked by people challenge her to exist a 'Bringer of Woe'. With Tira'south urging, she began to kill those who threatened her. Equally Tira'south smooth words eased Pyrrha's guilt of murder, Pyrrha'southward malfested trunk began to blot the souls of those she killed.

Pyrrha began to grow defiant and refused to kill anymore. Deciding to move forward with her plan, Tira reveals to Pyrrha that she has a blood brother who has been looking for her, Patroklos, whom Tira had been tracking with her Watchers. Given a new promise to hold onto, Pyrrha willingly slays some soldiers who attempted to impale her. After absorbing their souls Pyrrha passes out in the centre of an abandoned battleground. Tira reacted with glee at how close Pyrrha was to becoming the perfect host for Soul Border.

Tira then sought out Patroklos, who at the time was travelling with Z.W.East.I. and Viola. Patroklos, the new wielder of Soul Calibur, fought Tira seeking vengeance against his sister'south abductor. After letting herself be defeated past Patroklos, she goaded him into chasing after her, separating him from his companions and leading him to the abandoned battlefield where Pyrrha still lied unconscious. Afterwards being called a pawn of Soul Border, Tira's Gloomy side takes over and she viciously kicks Pyrrha further angering Patroklos, causing them to fight a 2nd time. She once again loses on purpose and flees the battle scene, assuasive Patroklos to take Pyrrha back.

She and then watches from the shadows as Pyrrha fends off Nightmare and is rejected by the brother she had saved for existence a malfested. This appeared to be according to her programme, as Tira then approached Pyrrha, who one time over again placed her trust solely on Tira and left with her,

A battle broke out between the forces of Nightmare and Schwarzwind on the plains of Hungary. Z.W.Due east.I. had straight confronted Nightmare at Denevér Castle and emerged victorious. Without a host, Pyrrha was now free to take Soul Edge for herself. Afterwards Pyrrha disposed of Z.West.E.I., Tira approached Soul Border.

"Welcome back. I missed you,"

Tira encouraged Pyrrha to grab the sword. As she did, a torrent of evil free energy exploded from Soul Edge as it'southward grade changed. Tira reacted with glee every bit Pyrrha, the Crimson Despair, became the new wielder of Soul Border. With her plan years in the making seemingly fulfilled, Tira left satisfied every bit Pyrrha, as though recreating the events of 17 years ago, split the skies with the cursed sword opening the gate to Astral Chaos.

Physical Appearance

In her debut appearance, Tira has majestic eyes, teal-colored hair, green rags, and feathered fringes. Early concept art shows Tira covered in scars on her face and trunk, simply in the concluding illustration, this was replaced by painted majestic stripes. In Soulcalibur 4, she undergoes a drastic evolution in design, exchanging her brusque bluish hair for night dark-brown, lopsided pigtails with a long, sparse braid on the back of her head. She also has an unmarred body, and wears a ruddy ensemble. At kickoff, this dramatic change was speculated to exist the outcome of one of Tira'due south epilogues in her Tales of Souls Way from Soulcalibur Iii, in which she was possessed by Soul Edge. Still, the real reason was to reflect her new, unstable personality, as revealed in an interview with one of the character designers of Soulcalibur 4. In Soulcalibur 5, Tira now has two, braided pigtails, which imitate the shape of a jester's chapeau, and her pilus at present possess three colors — white and two shades of purple.


Tira is virtually as ruthless and sadistic equally her main, having no qualms with claiming the lives of her victims. She derives a demented course of amusement from others' suffering, evidently due to her upbringing as an assassinator, and is lethally addicted to murdering others. When Soulcalibur Iii was released, Tira's personality was not quite 2 seperate entities; instead, what would later go Gloomy, was simply an extreme angry and homicidal rage.  In Soulcalibur 4, Tira develops ii disparate personalities due to being exposed to Soul Calibur and Soul Edge's disharmonize, both representing the contrary spectrums of her erratic emotions. These alternate personalities manifest themselves in her battle way, as two stances: Jolly Side and Gloomy Side . Similar to how being damaged would affect Tira's moods in Soulcalibur Iii, Tira's 2 personalities can be changed either manually, or randomly, also altering her moveset.

It seems that both of these personalities co-exist in a friendship-similar mode — this can exist seen in Tira'due south inner dialogue in her Soulcalibur Iv ending. Additionally, they volition engage in occasional banter or praise each other's moves during battle. Gloomy is much more than forehandedness and egotistical than Jolly, simply shows signs of protectiveness toward the Jolly side and Tira every bit a whole while being rather sour and aggressive toward other people. Jolly, on the other hand, is much more than kittenish but has the possibility to course bonds with other entities, which shows best in her business concern about Nightmare as a person and non as a host for Soul Edge.

In contrast, Tira is shown to be affectionate toward animals, especially birds, easily valuing their freedom over people's lives.


Overall, Tira'southward costumes unremarkably represent her split personalities, Jolly and Gloomy in her 1P and 2P outfits respectively. In each game, her 1P outfits have a more than playful, revealing, and torn up look with references to the avian theme. Her 2P costumes are more conservative, have toned down or dark colors, and include a noticeable motif of jesters and clowns. Her hairstyles are usually less chaotic than they are in her 1P outfits and she as well wears the night decoration of human skulls. Oddly, this seems to have been swapped in Soulcalibur 5, her costume seems to be a fusion of her Soulcalibur III 1P outfit and her 2P outfit from Soulcalibur 4. This costume too presents the most direct approach to the avian theme surrounding Tira, as information technology is richly ornamented with tiny representations of raven skulls. This time however, in that location is another animal theme included in the shape of Tira's gloves, which resemble feline skulls. Besides, the decoration on the buckle of her chugalug is very like to the sabbatic goat head that is frequently inserted into opposite pentagrams as a symbol of the imagined pagan god, Baphomet, and thus became a symbol of satanism and witchcraft in the later centuries. It should likewise exist noted that Tira's pare is at present a very pale white, causing fans to speculate that she has either stopped crumbling or has become immortal.


Soulcalibur 3

Tira begins to walk through Sophitia, Cassandra, and Rothion'south home, seeking a new body for Soul Edge. She is seen holding the demonic sword, which has adjusted to the shape of a Band Bract.


Soul Calibur iii - Tira - Ending A

Tira's ending A

Tira enters the bedroom of Patroklos and Pyrrha, presumably thinking of making them the next hosts. Pyrrha asks what she is holding in which the screen fades to blackness and Tira is heard proverb "Do you lot like information technology? Awww, I'grand glad."



Soul Calibur three - Tira - Ending B

Tira'south ending B

Tira is ambushed past Sophitia and Cassandra and chased out the window. There, Soul Edge decides to possess Tira. Her body and clothes turn purple as Soul Border speaks through her, proverb that Tira'due south body will have to suffice until information technology finds a more suitable host.

Soulcalibur Iv


Soul Calibur IV 4 Tira's Ending

Tira'south ending Soulcalibur IV

Tira bows downwardly to Nightmare, who is holding Soul Edge and sitting on a throne in Ostrheinsburg. As Nightmare stands to confront Tira, he stumbles and grasps onto the evil sword. Tira gasps, realizing his body can no longer withstand Soul Edge's power, and runs in an endeavour to salvage her primary. But Tira's Gloomy persona intervenes and convinces her to let him laissez passer away. After on, Tira is seen kneeling near the glowing soul of Soul Edge, smile.

The text-only epilogue states: The cursed sword lay dormant now that the spirit sword is destroyed. When it awakens, its fires volition swallow the world.

Tower of Lost Souls Details & Skills

Tira appears in Belfry of Lost Souls Ascend fashion as a boss nether the floor "Life On Sand." She too makes appearances nether the floors "Unfailing Belfry" & "Envoy Of Destruction".

TOLS Arise Mode Boss

  • Life On Sand


  • Henrietta & Rusa (Life On Sand Floor xiv)
  • Sophitia, Voldo & Zasalamel (Unfailing Tower Floor Floor 32)
  • Astaroth & Nightmare (Envoy Of Destruction Floor 59)
  • Ellie & Silvia (Descend Way Floor 35)
  • Solnhofen (Story Style Stages 1–iii But)

Skills On "Life On Sand"

  1. Soul Gauge Damage South
  2. Soul Gauge Boost C
  3. Soul Gauge Recovery A
  4. Nullify Ringout S

Skills On "Unfailing Tower"

  1. HP Recovery A
  2. Auto Grapple Break Due south

Skills On "Envoy Of Destruction" & "Descend Mode Flooring 35"

  1. Soul Gauge Harm A
  2. Shave Damage A
  3. Soul Gauge Boost A
  4. Nullify Ringout A

Default Skills

  1. Soul Gauge Vamp
  2. Soul Gauge Heave C
  3. Shave Damage A

Fighting Style

Along with the obvious employ of her Ring Blade, Tira's fighting mode revolves around acrobatic movements, unpredictable attacks, and impeccable timing. She is notable for having 2 mood types, Jolly and Gloomy, which are represented in her battle stances and touch the mode she fights. For the most part, Tira'due south Jolly side moveset was recycled from Soulcalibur Three, and wasn't given many new attacks. Still, her new Gloomy side stance opened a whole new door for Tira, for it was a fresh and new moveset; increasing her strength, speed, and added a unique element to the character. The Gloomy side persona is far more destructive in comparison to the Jolly side, just deals more than damage. In addition, Tira'southward Gloomy stance is often used more profusely past those who are familiar with her fighting style, making the Jolly side a scrap more unpredictable. Her mood tin can be altered in numerous means: if she falls off the ring blade, endures a serious amount of damage, or when the player taunts or headbutts the enemy. However, though it is likely that her personality will shift if she taunts or performs the move "Gestopft Madness", it is never guaranteed. One of Tira's weaknesses are her low-damaging Jolly side attacks — the stronger attacks in that stance are rather predictable and can be easily evaded with the 8-way run tactic. Some other weakness she has, and perhaps the almost noticeable, is her ability to inflict damage onto herself while in Gloomy side, leaving the player most helpless if in a state of low health. Though in her defense, Tira tin can put upward plenty of combos to maximize damage and put force per unit area on the opponent and has many turtling opportunities. She as well has various counterattacks such equally the "Uplift Bill", "Snare Robin", "Einsatz Calcatrix", and the "Grim Reaper". The "Grim Reaper" is notably i of her biggest assets, every bit not only does it deal serious amounts of harm to the enemy, but as well restores a portion of Tira's health. Notwithstanding, it is very risky, since it requires the aforementioned precision every bit when performing a Guard Bear on and can be simply washed at throw range, otherwise leaving Tira open to attacks for quite a long catamenia. As far as learning her, Tira is rather hard for beginners to handle due the altering of her moveset and the surprising element that she is able to hurt herself. Just similar all characters, with practice and devotion, she is possible to exist mastered.

Tira is generally perceived as a depression tier character by the tournament community due to the random factor — the unpredictable stance changes, and also the inevitable loss of health and possibility to kill herself while performing more powerful attacks in the Gloomy stance.

In Soulcalibur 5, due to the fact that she only hurts herself in few moves and her damage output has been increased significantly along with some additions to her combo possibilities and guaranteed stance changes, she was considered a mid-tier character. Gloomy stance was oftentimes considered top-tier and was dragged downwards by Jolly stance'south weaknesses. However, she can still kill herself while using certain moves. Also, her input is often criticized as being counter intuitive.

In the rebalancing patch, Tira was the nigh nerfed character. Both her stances were weakened significantly.

Critical Finish

Judecca Requiem: Tira vertically slashes her opponent, leaps on top of them, and kisses them passionately while they squirm. As she drains their soul, the screen will fade to a nighttime greyness and a foggy, skull shaped deject will appear — presumably representing the victim'due south expiry.

Depending on her mood, this is what she'll say afterward:

Jolly: How was that?!

Gloomy: don't interest me.

Critical Border

Discord Parade

Jolly: Tira volition say "It'due south time to party!" and will continue in dancing around with her Ring Blade — violently hitting the opponent while doing then. Each strike volition make her weapon glow a golden orangish and will produce small sparkles equally the enemy endures more than damage. When the maneuver is finished, Tira will likely become Gloomy.

Gloomy: Tira will glide her thumb across her throat — symbolizing death upon her foe. She then rapidly swings her Band Blade onto the enemy and shares with them the means of a painful expiry. Her weapon will glow with a dark purple as the attack moves forward and a dark aura volition surround her and her victim throughout the entire maneuver.

Depending on the state the enemy is in, this Critical Edge has two variations. 1 of them is very like to Tira's signature attack "Hiisi Baroque". This is the shorter version of the attack that deals less damage and she will perform it if the enemy is laying on the basis. Nonetheless, if she is interrupting an enemy'south attack or is about to release the Disquisitional Edge on an enemy that isn't guarding or is mid-air, she volition perform the full version of the Discord Parade.

Overall, this Critical Edge is piece of cake to whiff and should exist used just for penalization or when guaranteed. Information technology can be likewise used for Ring Outs. The harm dealt by it is outdone by the benefits of Tira's Dauntless Edge attacks and the usage of meter should be deployed with intendance, especially since the Critical Border tin deal much less damage if used at the wrong fourth dimension.


Soulcalibur III

  • I'g gonna impale you at present, you ready?
  • I can't look to run into y'all in pieces.
  • I'll make certain to grant you your death!
  • Ha ha ha ha! Wanna die at present?
  • Permit's get started, okay? No point in dragging it out, right?
  • He he he he...Hurray! I found a new one!
  • Don't worry, I won't take anything but your life!
  • Ohhh! I want that body! Give it to me!
  • You've come up all this way only to die.
  • A nuisance...such a nuisance.
  • Let's find out...simply how dark your blood is.
  • Stay irritate me.
  • You lot'll exist dead earlier you know it.
  • I'll keep you visitor...until you're destroyed.
  • Your heart beats...the dissonance is grating!
  • Don't worry...I'thousand not expecting much from you.
  • Okay, allow'south move on to the adjacent one!
  • More, I desire more! Y'all're however alive!
  • People are almost cute...correct before they die!
  • Hmm...Very mediocre...This won't do, nope nope. - after winning a battle with low damage
  • That'southward information technology? That's all? How lame!
  • What a large disappointment!
  • Aww...I wanted to have more fun! - later on winning a battle with low HP
  • Over already? Come up on, I desire more than!
  • Y'all're so got to die so peacefully! - after winning a battle with a perfect
  • Pretty...yous're so pretty! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Hurt much? Oh, I guess yous can't hear me anymore.
  • Is that it? There'south no one else?
  • Aww...y'all broke already...Oh well, I guess I'grand done with yous.
  • Either way, you lot would have died somewhen.
  • You deserve the most painful death imaginable.
  • I just don't experience anything with you.
  • You're no good either...Damn, what a waste of my time.
  • Y'all cannot fifty-fifty terminate to exist on your ain. Such a pathetic fauna.
  • This is absolutely pointless.
  • Is that the all-time yous tin can do?...What a killjoy.
  • I couldn't care less...well-nigh your life.
  • Style besides tiresome.
  • Tin can't you all...just shut upwards?!
  • Just equally I thought...completely useless.
  • What was that? Are you kidding me?
  • Humph...I don't fifty-fifty feel like killing yous.
  • You're the stupid i for going against the sword. Bleeh!
  • I think all stupid people deserve to die.
  • Y'all're absolutely irritating...Hurry upwards and disappear! — Spoken to Yoshimitsu during their Destined Battle
  • I get irritated but thinking about him. — Spoken after defeating Yoshimitsu. Also spoken in her correct input catastrophe
  • Information technology'south over. Your luck just ran out. — Spoken to Zasalamel during their Destined Battle
  • Such a fool. — Spoken after defeating Zasalamel
  • I wonder if that body will make a suitable host?
  • Allow's see...he certain looks strong!
  • You take a overnice trunk...can I meet it for a 2nd? I wonder if Soul Border would like it?
  • What are y'all? You look kind of funny.
  • Y'all don't belong in this place.
  • Oh perfect, I'll just tear limb from limb.
  • Oooh!
  • He looks really strong! Very strong!
  • I can't await to see you lot die! Information technology'due south going to look incredible!
  • Aha ha ha ha! Here she comes! — Spoken to Sophitia.
  • To carelessness your children and travel all this way! — Spoken to Sophitia.
  • You're such a horrible mother. Sheesh. — Spoken to Sophitia.
  • You lot're not bad, but I don't like the look in your optics.
  • There's no need for a conscience.
  • I want to run into...if you're worthy of that sword...Let's detect out!
  • This is completely absurd.
  • How practise yous manage to even exist?
  • I'yard annoyed...I'thousand going to brand you lot disappear forever!
  • To cling on to the visage, of that man for so long... — Spoken while playing as Nightmare.
  • No... No... I only don't understand this at all. — Spoken while playing equally Nightmare.
  • Tell me why! Respond me! — Spoken while playing as Nightmare.
  • I'm ordering you to answer me...why won't you respond? — Spoken after losing as Nightmare.
  • With a mother like her. I experience terrible for her children. — Spoken afterwards losing as Sophitia.
  • That was ridiculous...what are you lot doing? — Spoken to Zasalamel if players complete the quick time upshot.
  • I'm displeased...I'g very displeased. — Also spoken during her correct input catastrophe
  • Ooh, I'grand really excited. Wow, wooow!
  • Owww...So what are y'all gonna show me next?
  • I want to come across you lot destroyed...he he he.
  • Wow! This is so much fun!
  • I really promise more fun things happen soon!
  • Awww...This is no fun!
  • End wasting the power of the sword.
  • That is a sin...that I could never forgive. — Spoken to Completeness if players complete the quick fourth dimension event.
  • You lot insolent will pay for this. — Spoken to Zasalamel or Abyss if players fail the quick time result.
  • I'thousand but giddy with the prospects of killing you. — Spoken to Night Terror if players complete the quick time event.
  • How astonishing...he he, I'm getting fifty-fifty more than excited. — Spoken to Night Terror if players fail the quick time event.
  • Puhah!
  • I accept to hurry up...and find a new body! — Ending
  • Just, I wonder how I can... — Catastrophe, unused
  • Who? Who is worthy of the sword? — Catastrophe, unused
  • Who?...No, correct now, time is of the utmost importance. — Catastrophe, unused
  • Yes, I know a suitable host. — Catastrophe, unused
  • Humph, I approximate I'll take care of them before she returns. — Left input catastrophe, unused
  • Do you lot like information technology? Oh, I'm glad. — Left input ending
  • On a moonlit dark, the young siblings went into a deep, night woods. The poor siblings got lost in the mist and were never heard from again. — Left input ending, unused
  • Please, receive my body as your own... — Right input catastrophe, unused
  •! — Right input ending
  • Uh... — Correct input catastrophe
  • Humph, so this is the new host. — Right input catastrophe
  • Well, I judge I'll have to settle with this one for now. — Correct input catastrophe
  • Humph.
  • Don't run away!
  • Here we...go!
  • How's that?
  • Here here!
  • Hither I go!
  • Adieu bye!
  • Let'south play!
  • Outta the manner!
  • Die.
  • Break apart!
  • I'll cut your heart out!
  • Desire to dice?
  • Close upwards!
  • Hurry up...and dice!
  • Hey, does it injure? Really? — Taunt, Jolly
  • Does it hurt? Tell me it hurts. — Taunt, Gloomy

Soulcalibur 4

Jolly Side

  • Allow's dance!
  • That'southward information technology! Bear witness me you mean business!
  • I want to run into you destroyed!
  • I can't wait to see you in pieces.
  • Hurray! I found a new one!
  • Can I kill you? Please.
  • Oh Perfect! I'll just tear you limb from limb!
  • I don't need you lot. You're no fun!
  • Toys are nearly beautiful right earlier they break!
  • You wanted to play a little longer, didn't y'all?
  • No good, this won't practice. Nope, nope. — Spoken afterwards releasing a "Perfect!"
  • I want to play more! Oh goodie, you're notwithstanding breathing! — Spoken after victory with low HP.
  • What'southward the matter?! — Spoken afterward releasing a "Critical Finish"
  • Why are you being such a goody-goody?
  • Can I use him? Nah, he's useless. — Spoken afterward defeating Yoshimitsu and his association, in Story Manner.
  • There's nothing you lot can exercise at present loser. — Spoken to Cervantes, in Story Mode.
  • Is that it? There's no 1 else? — Spoken later completing Stage Ii of Story Manner.
  • Come up on! This is our concluding job! — Spoken to Astaroth, in Story Mode.
  • All done! Such rich souls. Only yummy! — Spoken afterward completing Stage IV of Story Mode.
  • Soul Edge is eating right now! It doesn't want to be disturbed. — Spoken to Siegfried, in Story Mode.
  • So what'south upward with that pathetic sword? — Spoken later on defeating Siegfried, in Story Way.
  • Naughty children must be punished. — Spoken to Astaroth, in his Story Mode.
  • Don't you lot become information technology? You're the main course! — Spoken to Sophitia, in her Story Style.
  • Oh goody! I've found a new toy to play with!
  • Oh no. His body can't withstand the power whatever more! — Spoken in her ending.
  • No, don't get! — Spoken to Nightmare, in her ending.
  • Don't abandon me! Don't leave me all alone! — Spoken to Nightmare, in her ending.
  • I feel it. It'southward hither. It's correct here. — Spoken in her ending.
  • Hahahahahaha!
  • How was that?!
  • La-di-da-di-dum!
  • More!
  • Break!
  • Owww...
  • Round and Round!
  • Bye-bye!
  • You...dummy...
  • Fwitt-few!
  • Interruption autonomously!
  • Tricked ya!
  • Allow's play!
  • Here we...go!
  • I'll suspension you to pieces!
  • Now...spin!
  • I'm not fix to play nonetheless!
  • Nice!
  • Alright...
  • ...this is fun!
  • Oh, I feel much better!
  • I'm not finished!
  • Here, kitty, kitty!
  • Nosotros can still play, can't we?!
  • This is fun!
  • Hither I am!
  • Swoosh!
  • Too bad.
  • Come on, come on!
  • Fall to parts!
  • Hope you fall!
  • Let's see yous...trip the light fantastic toe!
  • Alright...Autumn to parts!
  • I'm so bored.
  • Break already!
  • Here I go!
  • Sorry, that hurt?
  • How's that?!
  • What?!...No Style!

Gloomy Side

  • I'll cut your heart out!
  • I'll keep you company, until you lot're destroyed.
  • You've come all this way just to die.
  • I couldn't care less about you.
  • You deserve the most painful death imaginable.
  • Don't worry, I'thousand not expecting much from you...
  • Yous're all just in my way.
  • Stay away. Yous irritate me.
  • Is that the best you can do? What a killjoy.
  • Y'all're still alive? Don't be such a pain!
  • Permit'southward find out just how night your blood is. — Spoken afterward you release a "Perfect!"
  • You merely don't know when to give up. — Spoken after victory with low HP.
  • Oh, are y'all dead? — Spoken after yous release a "Critical Finish."
  • You annoy me. I'll make you disappear forever! — Spoken after defeating Yoshimitsu and his clan, in Story Fashion.
  • Can't you all simply close upward?! — Spoken after completing Phase Ii of Story Mode.
  • Finished with the preparations for the sacrifice. — Spoken later defeating Astaroth, Sophitia, and Voldo, in Story Mode.
  • Your heart beats. The noise is grating! — Spoken later on defeating Siegfried, in Story Mode.
  • Practice you run into the new trunk for the evil sword? — Spoken to Kilik, in his Story Manner.
  • You lot're staying here until the darkness consumes him! — Spoken to Seong Mi-na, in her Story Mode.
  • Our justice is only likewise fragile. — Spoken in her ending.
  • Our happiness is ours alone, merely the morals and laws created by others, deny u.s. that happiness. — Spoken in her catastrophe.
  • Everything we've worked so hard to attain is falling apart and we're simply suppose to stand by quietly and accept it?! — Spoken in her catastrophe.
  • No! Anyone who get's in our way is our enemy! All we need is each other, right?! — Spoken in her ending.
  • That's it!
  • Hmph...Y'all don't interest me.
  • Dammit!
  • It's also tardily!
  • I'll kill yous!
  • (Sigh)
  • Autumn apart!
  • Don't bother me!
  • Don't move.
  • Shatter!
  • Wanna die?!
  • Now, interruption apart!
  • What a hurting!
  • You're so...annoying!
  • Just die!
  • Now break...autonomously!
  • My turn! Step aside!
  • Are you lot afraid?!
  • I'grand gonna kill you!
  • Is that it?
  • I'm starting to like you.
  • You lot actually are pitiful.
  • Hurry up...and die!
  • Does it injure?
  • Disappear...At present!
  • Cease screaming!
  • Get lost!
  • That's enough!
  • No!
  • I don't like this.

Soulcalibur V

Jolly Side

  • Information technology's gonna be fun to lookout man yous grovel!
  • I found a new one! Lucky me!
  • Show me what you lot got! — Spoken when engaging in battle against Nightmare.
  • Uh! Y'all just don't look right — Spoken when timed out by Nightmare.
  • No way... Oh, listen to me! — Spoken when timed out past Pyrrha.
  • No! Not fair! — Spoken when timed out.
  • It'due south time to party! I'll dance on your corpse! — Spoken during her "Critical Edge".
  • So... pretty! — Spoken when taunting a knocked out enemy.
  • Here, kitty, kitty! — Taunt.
  • I ca-an't... stand up this! — Spoken when taunting on depression health.
  • Coming?
  • Nope!
  • Nope... nope!
  • Hither nosotros... Go!
  • You're getting... irksome!
  • This is fun!
  • So much fun!
  • Swoosh!
  • Yous dummy!
  • La-di-da-dum!
  • Bye-bye!
  • More!
  • Let'southward dance!
  • Fix?
  • Broke!
  • Get away!
  • Break apart!
  • I'll cutting you!
  • Woohoo!
  • Let's become!
  • Besides bad!
  • Hey now! — Spoken when getting upwardly on depression health.
  • I'thou gonna break! — Spoken after beingness hit by Yoshimitsu's "Disquisitional Edge" or Ivy'due south Sweetness Dominance.
  • Non bad! — Spoken during a "Baby-sit Burst".
  • What?!
  • Oh no!! — Spoken when knocked out by Nightmare.
  • Feels good! — Spoken when knocked out past Pyrrha.
  • I'one thousand here!
  • Over hither!
  • Owie!
  • Alright!
  • Information technology's shaking! — Spoken when hit by a tremor.
  • Oh delight!! — Spoken when i round away from losing.
  • Bear witness me... blood! — Spoken while fighting Pyrrha.
  • Naughty... naughty! — Spoken while fighting Pyrrha.
  • Bad girl! — Spoken while fighting Pyrrha.
  • No!! Not off-white! — Spoken when losing a Time Out.
  • Hahah... Simulated! — Spoken when taunting Nightmare.
  • Hahah... pretty Pyrrha. — Spoken when taunting Pyrrha.
  • Pyrrha... pretty! — Spoken when taunting Pyrrha Ω.
  • Patroklos... Allow's play! — Spoken when taunting Patroklos.
  • Hah... Patroklos. — Spoken when taunting α Patroklos.
  • Irksome! — Spoken during Ring Out.
  • Allow'southward play more! — Spoken during Ring Out.
  • Hmm...Pretty lame. You didn't even attempt!
  • I'm gonna sit correct hither and watch you bleed out.
  • You're so ambrosial, all bloody and broken.
  • Broken already? Well aren't yous delicate.
  • You lot think your weak moves tin actually take me out?
  • All... broken... — Spoken when KO'd by movements that leave her in a standing state, similar Ivy'south Comprehend of Guilt.
  • You're in for a spanking if y'all don't obey! — Spoken when engaging in battle with Pyrrha.
  • Next time you disobey, it's going to hurt much more than! — Spoken after defeating Pyrrha.
  • Oh well. Another faker bleeding all over himself. — Spoken afterward defeating Nightmare.
  • Well, well, Pyrrha. Not bad! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Of course I forgive you! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Yous were only protecting yourself from the nasty people who were trying to kill you lot. They were the bad guys. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Oh await. More humans that misunderstand y'all. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Better kill them first earlier they kill y'all. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Hey, you're a malfested, that's what yous're supposed to practice. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • *laughs* You thought you were human? — Spoken in Story Fashion to Pyrrha.
  • Normal humans don't get around killing people and burning towns! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Oh, you don't desire to be a malfested? — Spoken in Story Way to Pyrrha.
  • Accept you forgotten about all those who called you a Bringer of Woe and hunted you like an animal? — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • I gauge she's reached her limit. Time to motility on to the side by side bait. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Oh, past the manner, you said you were all alone, merely you were wrong! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Yous take a family. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Yes, a brother! I saw him at the market just the other solar day. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • A male child named Patroklos was looking for his long lost sister. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • He even had a shield just like yours. — Spoken in Story Way to Pyrrha.
  • Don't you lot want to encounter your brother? — Spoken in Story Fashion to Pyrrha.
  • Don't worry. I'll become with you! So you just follow me and no arguing, okay? — Spoken in Story Manner to Pyrrha.
  • Just practice what I tell you to do! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Humans must be killed. Right, Pyrrha? — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • You're looking good. Your soul is plumping up quite nicely. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Kill them, butcher them, and before long you'll be irresistible! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • Writhe in the depths of despair and get the perfect vessel. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha.
  • I finally found you. — Spoken in Story Mode to Patroklos.
  • Information technology's been a while, Patroklos, How's your search for your sister going? — Spoken in Story Way to Patroklos.
  • Yes! It'due south my favorite! So I guess Soul Calibur is your favorite right now. — Spoken in Story Mode to Patroklos.
  • I'm not going to tell a wimpy piddling male child who's a pale imitation of his mother! — Spoken in Story Way to Patroklos.
  • Finish right there or I'm going to have to hurt this poor little girl! *giggle* — Spoken in Story Mode to Patroklos.
  • Poor lilliputian Pyrrha. — Spoken to Pyrrha in Story Mode.
  • Ooh, well await who's inverse his melody. — Spoken to Patroklos in Story Style.
  • Now that he knows you're his sister, he suddenly gives a hoot! — Spoken to Pyrrha in Story Style.
  • At present you lot're making me blush! — Spoken in Story Mode to Patroklos.
  • Poor Pyrrha. Run into? Didn't I warn you what would happen? Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha Ω.
  • Blood means nothing to these humans. They won't fifty-fifty effort to understand the real yous. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha Ω.
  • Welcome back. I missed you. — Spoken in Story Fashion to Soul Edge.
  • It's your sword. Take it. — Spoken in Story Way to Pyrrha Ω.
  • It'due south reaching out to you. I knew it, I was right. — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha Ω.
  • You are the merely worthy heir of Soul Edge! — Spoken in Story Mode to Pyrrha Ω.

Gloomy Side

  • What'south that? Me? The only pawn on this board is this stupid niggling girl! — Spoken to Patroklos, in Story Mode.
  • You're no lucifer for me, allow's make this quick.
  • Shut upward and die!
  • Merely practise as I tell y'all, dammit! — Spoken when engaging in battle confronting Pyrrha.
  • I've lost to this wench!? — Spoken when timed out by Pyrrha.
  • I'll be the end of you! Mark my words! — Spoken when engaging in battle confronting Nightmare.
  • Damn fake! — Spoken when timed out by Nightmare.
  • How annoying! — Spoken when timed out.
  • Don't carp me!
  • Just practice what I tell you!
  • Dammit!
  • What?! Y'all wanna fight?!
  • Sorry, time's up... Lie downwardly and dice already!! — Spoken during her "Disquisitional Edge".
  • What the? — Spoken when knocked out by Pyrrha.
  • Nuisance! — Spoken while fighting Pyrrha.
  • ...Make me sick! — Spoken while fighting Nightmare.
  • Shameless! — Spoken during a "Baby-sit Burst".
  • There's nobody!
  • I'll impale you!
  • Blood bathroom!
  • Wanna dice?!
  • Get aside!
  • Silence!
  • Hmpf... is that it?!
  • What's going on?! — Spoken when hitting by a tremor.
  • Know... your place!
  • I'll... shred you! — Spoken during grapple or taunting while crouching on low health.
  • Time to die!
  • Die!
  • Are you lot afraid?
  • That'southward it! Hahahahaha!
  • What a pain...
  • Fall apart!
  • Little pest!
  • Information technology'southward besides belatedly!
  • Dance!
  • Idiot!
  • Aye right! — Spoken after losing two rounds.
  • Seriously?! — Spoken after losing two rounds.
  • Irritating! — Spoken after existence hit by Yoshimitsu's Critical Border or Ivy's Sweet Say-so.
  • ...Tear yous to pieces!! — Spoken when taunting an enemy.
  • Yep! Scream for me! — Spoken when taunting a knocked out enemy.
  • Fool! Then red... — Spoken when taunting Patroklos while crouching.
  • Hahah... toy. — Spoken when taunting Pyrrha while crouching.
  • Hahah... simulated. — Spoken when taunting Nightmare while crouching.
  • Hah... fool. — Spoken when taunting α Patroklos while crouching.
  • Stupid wen- playing dirty. — Spoken when taunting Pyrrha Ω while crouching.
  • You lot coward! — Spoken while fighting Nightmare.
  • Piffling coward! — Spoken while fighting Nightmare.
  • I'll... paint you lot red!! — Spoken while fighting Nightmare.
  • Damn you!! — Spoken when knocked out by Nightmare.
  • You're worthless! — Spoken when fighting Pyrrha.
  • Hmpf!
  • How annoying! — Spoken when losing a Fourth dimension Out.
  • You lot'll pay for this!! — Spoken during Ring Out.
  • Never again!! — Spoken during Ring Out.
  • How many more should I send to the grave today?
  • Do me a favor. Scream for me a piddling more!
  • Y'all still alive? I must be losing my touch.
  • That was your best?! What a waste...
  • Saying distressing won't change anything, relieve your breath, wench! — Spoken later defeating Pyrrha.
  • I only wish I'd idea to do this sooner! — Spoken afterwards defeating Nightmare.
  • Impossible... — Spoken on standing land KO.


  • Accompanied by a flock of ravens called Watchers.
  • Loyal servant of Nightmare or rather Soul Edge/Inferno in Soulcalibur III and Soulcalibur IV. As of Soulcalibur V, she has grown negligent of the new Nightmare and has separated herself from him, taking matters into her own hands. She as well considers the new Nightmare a coward and seeks a new host to supervene upon him.
  • Tormented Sophitia past threatening her children and eventually kidnapping her girl.
  • Murdered one of Yoshimitsu'southward clan members.
  • Motivated Cervantes to detect Soul Border before the events of Soulcalibur Three.
  • It is implied several times during Soulcalibur 3, that she does not similar Siegfried, even so information technology could exist general dislike toward the current wielder of Soul Calibur and the spirit sword herself.
  • Motivated Maxi and Astaroth to achieve their goals using Soul Border before the events of Soulcalibur Iv.
  • Solnhofen was her former superior in the Bird of Passage. She sacrifices his soul to Soul Border in her Soulcalibur Iv story, saying that she doesn't demand him, that he is no fun..
  • Azola, Dürer and Solnhofen are her subordinates.
  • Kidnapped Pyrrha prior to the events of Soulcalibur IV. Tries to gear up her up every bit a replacement host of Soul Edge, due to her dislike of the current Nightmare.
  • Killed Jurgis with the intent of isolating Pyrrha.
  • Patroklos believes that she had murdered Sophitia.


  1. ^ Katie McNulty has been speculated to be Tira's Phonation Extra for a while, hither it is stated Katie McNulty done English vocalization work for Soulcalibur V. It also shows other voices for characters like Misturugi.
Original Timeline Main Characters
Algol • Amy • Cassandra • Cervantes • Edge Master • Ivy • Kilik • Maxi • Mitsurugi • Patroklos (α Patroklos) • Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω) • Raphael • Siegfried • Sophitia • Soul Calibur (Elysium) • Soul Edge (Inferno, Nightmare, Night Terror) • Taki • Tira • Viola • Xianghua • Yoshimitsu • Zasalamel (Abyss) • Z.West.E.I.


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